Like I said in store page:
Shot gun aimins from socket + offset. Here you can check traces - from camera and from actual sockets - You can change angle of bullets by tweaking “bullet spread” -
I just wanted to say, I have had this kit for about 6 months and it is fantastic. There is so much content in it that anyone looking to make a TPS will find numerous ways to make a great game!
Thank you very much!
I did a conversion of 4.18 to 4.19 and it works.
Today I’ve send update for 4.19 anyway. Changelog:
- deleted unused nodes
- added null check for pathnode connection when user leave empty reference
Execute function “AI Recieved Damage” for AI or call dispatcher “Player get damage” for player. Easiest way is to add damage component (Blueprint’/Game/ThirdPersonKit/Blueprints/BP_Damage_Component.BP_Damage_Component’). You can check how it is done there. It’s used in various traps, for example in Blueprint’/Game/ThirdPersonKit/Blueprints/BP_Trap_Electric.BP_Trap_Electric’
Just wanted to say thanks so much for the timeley respnse this is exactly what I was looking for.
Just tried the 4.19 version. Does not download or create app.
Same for me. Probably some launcher issue. I will write to Epic right away. Thank you for bringing that up!
Works on my end now!
Update for 4.19 is now availible. Looks like everything is working fine now.
I got a menu system now with a save game system , I am using several of your electric wall traps with buttons in a level. what variables should I save for the traps when they are disabled by the button presses? thanks
I think it should be “Start Trap Activated” variable
can you say where that variable is located? I cant find it.I tried to use “Use Panel Button” , didn’t seem to work.also tried making an Enum for the button panels themselves with the button panel ID 's , didn’t work.also tried with the electric wall traps themselves , no luck.
I see the “start trap activated” in the half wall bp. I am using the whole wall bp, that variable is not in the whole wall bp.i just tried it with half wall trap. but in my bp_savegame , or the character bp, I cannot search the “Start Trap Deactivated” variable , I mean it doesn’t show up in the search . how would I add that variable into the savegame or character bp?same with “use damage area” or some others.well I dragged the variable in half wall trap into the graph,copied and pasted the node in bp savegame and right clicked it and selected to create the variable there. which it did , so when I added it to save data it still doesn’t save . I deactivate the trap , save the game and when I load game the trap is reactivated.i tried so many combinations , not working , I must be missing something. I mean your checkpoint system saves the state of the level. if I disable a trap , then die, spawn at last checkpoint , the trap is still
Are going to add more content?
When the character is standing at idle, and I turn the character, the character is able to turn over 180 degrees counter clockwise (left). This results in the torso pointing in the opposite direction of the lower body. A similar action is observed in the clockwise (right) direction, but it occurs more quickly than the left direction.
Is there a way to clamp this rotation at -90 and 90 degrees? I want to prevent the torso from rotating past 90 degrees in either direction and prevent the camera from following around 360 degrees when this unnatural event occurs.
Would you point me to the proper place to solve this problem?
if you look in the earlier parts of this thread , it is talked about.
I made a video about it, explaining how to quickly do this. I’ve attached it to this post.
I will rather make tutorials how to expand it or do certain things, like zombie AI. Of course I’m fixing bugs and keep it up to date with current UE 4 version.
You need to add it to struct - S_Player_Progress_Struct and then at level start, use function “LoadPlayersProgress”. From it, you can get saved value and change trap based on that value. Works the same for saving. You can check how player progress is done on level end.
what do I add ? " start trap activated"? can I use game state base and game state?is there any way to save it with just variables? I have a “bp_savegame” , a "save game " area and a "restore save game " area where I usually can just add variables for saves.these are OnSavegameSave and OnSavegameLoad nodes. when you say “on level end” above , where are you referring to?
Thank you for the help. What I’m trying to accomplish is to rotate the pelvis/legs in the same direction that the player is looking when the rotation reaches a certain value. As it works now, the torso turns 360 degrees while the pelvis/legs remain stationary. Can this be done?