- Third Person Shooter, Cel-Shaded, PC/Xbox One/Play Station 4

Sign up for Beta testing right NOW at Black Riddles Studio
Crazy Justice is a third-person shooter game in cel-shaded style.


About the Team

Yes that’s right! Crazy Justice is developing by two siblings. Balazs Welker is working on the programming, visuals and gameplay while his brother, Gergo Welker is working on the characters, animations and assets.



This game is coming for PC (Steam, GOG.com, Humble Store), Xbox One and Play Station 4!

Amazing & Funny Story

You can play the game with 4 different characters and find out what happens if somebody has a screw loose…

Multiplayer Beta Modes:

The Devastator

Fight in epic 16-player battles as a Hero to defend the 4 Teslas and support the Devastator to reach the “Temple of Osiris”. Or, destroy the 4 Teslas and the energy shield of the Devastator goes down.


A classic Team Deathmatch mode with a fast moving gameplay. 4v4, 6v6, 8v8 Heroes fight against eachother for a limited time.

Capture the Tesla

The objective is to capture as many Teslas as you can. Players can only capture the Teslas in the highlighted areas. As soon as a Tesla captured your team gains point while the enemy team lose them.

Do you have a great idea?

Do you have a great idea? Or you have got a feedback? Don’t hesitate! We would like to create a cool game for you so we are really interested in your opinions and the developement based on our community’s feedbacks.





Platform: PC (Steam), Xbox One, Play Station 4
Facebook: Black Riddles Studio
Website: https://www.blackriddlesstudio.com

Keep up the good work.

Thank you so much! :smiley:

Excellent work…Masters Jedi

Excellent work…Masters Jedi

HAHA, thank you so much!! :smiley: :smiley:

My complete admiration and appreciation for being a team! I have a slightly younger brother and I can’t convince him to work with me on anything.

Good luck in everything you do from this point onward!

Thank you so much! :smiley: Hopefully you’ll working together in the future! :wink: