Third Person Fresh Project

UE has some problems, I am seeing some unknown errors during packaging and then I tried to create a new project third person template.

Now before I do any addition I tried packaging, when i run the build from that package it freezes frequently after pressing “Alt + tab” it come back to life but freezes immediately.

Looking at Task Manager, it is consuming GPU at 100% why No Idea? There is nothing I have used yet in this project it is still a template from UE.

Any idea???

This sort of thing usually indicates a lot of shader compilation ( although typically that’s a lot of CPU ). Agreed, I can’t quite see how that’s happening with a new project, but I don’t know your setup. What do you see if you pop open that arrow next to the UE4 task in the task manager?

Try disabling the XGEShadercompile by uncommenting the r.XGEShadercompile=0 in Engine INI config, that trick did work for me.