Third person character stuck in the air after jump

Try going to Edit > project settings > Physics, and make sure the default gravity z is set to a negative number

Third person character stuck in the air after jump. I dont change anithing in Third person template. I just migrate template in my project and player stuck in air.
Video: bandicam 2021 04 08 00 35 48 348 - YouTube

if your gravity was correct please share your character movement values in a screenshot


My gravity is correct

please check player collision in the spawn location


Thank you for your help. But collision is fine. It happens in any spawn location.

There is no problen with collisions. Only with character movement(

what was your base project(you say you migrate them to this project)? and check what is your game mode in the “world setting” and if it is empty fill it with third-person game mode.

for example, if you add an FP to a TP, your character won’t shot a bullet (like base FP) and just use a ray trace instead. so maybe this problem come from your migrate