I have the default third person character and a heightmap generated terrain in my game. 90% of the time, the player will not move properly during gameplay. He gets stuck in place until I jump to kick off his momentum, and when he is moving, he drifts considerably and continues moving even when I let go of the keyboard. This is demonstrated in the video below, as well as the properties of the character and the landscape.
Randomly, when I do hit play, about 10% of the time. The player will move completely naturally, but the problem will reappear 10 minutes later. This problem also occurs when I put the player on a flat cube. The only change I made to the player was a couple UI related blueprints and increasing the speed.
You need to send us a screenshot of your blueprints, where you made changes.
By default, the third person character moves well in landscapes, so you made something that cause this issue.
Okay so I figured something out. The player gets more messed up the farther he is from the origin point of the world. At 0,0 he works fine. I mitigated this by moving the center of the island to the origin. But at the farthest west and east end of the island, the movement is still messed up. I know I have a really large world (a life sized recreation of the island of Crete because I just think it’s neat) but does anyone know why this happens and how I can fix it? I don’t want to scale the world down because it would make the physics and scale inaccurate.