Third Person Camera - Orbit Player


I’m looking for some help with something that I’m prototyping in Blueprint with Unreal Engine 4. I am looking at a 3D Platformer so have started with the third person blueprint template for the moment, however I do not like the camera behaviour as it seems to just interpret my actions as

“If you press left, character runs left”

It does not affect the action of the camera. I am trying to achieve a camera effect like the one mentioned in this Unity Tutorial that mimics camera of games like ‘Zelda Wind Waker’

I believe the system shown above / in Zelda games is configured to orbit the player and offer better camera movement.

I keep running into conflicting information online about the process of replicating this camera style and I’ve been testing hundreds of different combinations and pieces from various tutorials and just ended up not getting what I was looking for. Can anyone help clear up a basic overview of what I’d need to do / how I would do it? It’s also not helping that I’m stuck between knowing how this works in Unity and how it would translate to UE4, as I think a lot of the heavy lifting required in Unity is already taken care of in UE4.

Thank you