Hi All,
I recently noticed that there’s an aweful lot of plugins loaded by default in the engine/project. Not by my own choosing.
But I am not sure which ones I can disable. Of course some I can guess like for my game paper2d should not have to be used. And the SteamVR plugin seems to be ticked back on even when I disabled it a while back in favour of OculusVR.
Does anyone know if there are any that are commonly essential and always used by the engine?
This is a list from my Log file:
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin SteamVR
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ProceduralMeshComponent
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GameSparks
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystem
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemUtils
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemOculus
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Paper2D
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin LightPropagationVolume
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin FacialAnimation
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CharacterAI
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin HTML5Networking
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AvfMedia
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ImgMedia
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MediaCompositing
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin WmfMedia
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin TcpMessaging
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin UdpMessaging
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ActorSequence
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemNull
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AndroidPermission
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AppleARKit
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ArchVisCharacter
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CableComponent
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CustomMeshComponent
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ExampleDeviceProfileSelector
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ImmediatePhysics
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin LocationServicesBPLibrary
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MobilePatchingUtils
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OculusVR
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PhysXVehicles
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin RuntimePhysXCooking
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin WindowsMoviePlayer