There was an issue logging in

Hi there,
so I got this mail to visit the preview on Unreal Online Learning.
After filling out the form and clicking “Start Learning Now” all I get is "There was an issue logging in. Please try again in a few minutes."

The thing is, I cant start any courses any more via Online Learning - Unreal Engine because I alsways get redirected to said from.

have had the same problem for over a month, and support correspondence with me went dark right around the same time as your post. beyond irritating.

Same here. Reached out to support last week, haven’t heard anything. Was really hoping to brush up on some learning during the holidays. :frowning:

I’ve also had this problem! I even know people on the Learning Resources and Online Learning teams, and I tried to reach out to my personal contacts to see if I could get this escalated but to no avail. I will keep trying to find out what’s going on, and if I get anywhere I’ll post what I know.

I haven’t been able to login into the learning site for 2 months. Maybe I should create a new account instead.

Hi Ifthenplay,

Have you submitted ticket to

Are you still having this problem? Please correspond with us there so we can get the right set of eyes on the problem.


For some reason it is working now. Got a response from the support asking fo additional information (support also confirmed that there are issues) but it is working now and I can access the new content. The first glance looks rather promising. Looking forward to work through the courses :slight_smile:

@wirago86 glad to hear you are back up and running in the Unreal Online Learning portal!

1 year later and I’m having the same problem

I’m having the same problem as well

I’m also having the same problem

It seems to me that they are updating the site. Have encountered multiple threads with the same problems from the last years.

P.S. I am new here btw. Yay! (not sarcasm)