There is so confusing for generate game

every time when I change engine. I just can not found right click menu’s generate item.

can unreal 4 team make more convenient way to fix issues .

Hey ryuikuya,

When you right click on .uproject file, you should see options, “Launch game,” “Generate Visual Studio project files,” and “Switch Unreal Engine version.” If you do not see those options, go to your Unreal Engine folder and find Engine > Binaries > Win64 > UnrealVersionSelector-Win64-Shipping. Run that, and now when you right click .uproject file you will see those options.

Hope that helps!

I tried that it still did not work. Maybe it is about I installed something others’ software.but I mean that why we can not make more easy and convenience way to do that?

Hey, sorry for delay in response; I was sick for most of this week.

There isn’t an easier way to do this if you are building from source. If you use Launcher, it points Windows towards correct version, but building from source is just creating a new block of space and Windows doesn’t know what to do with it until you specifically instruct it.

Still, what I told you should have worked. Please try it again, making sure to run UnrealVersionSelector-Win64-Shipping.bat . If that still doesn’t work, it’s possible you have an issue similar to one described in this post about half-way down:

Please read through that and let us know.

Dear , I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I think you should have a rest . thank you for you response. I am work it out too. I made a mistake for using a old version engine’s UnrealVersionSelector-Win64-Shipping.bat to my new version engine. right way should compile current engine source code then it will get a UnrealVersionSelector-Win64-Shipping after compile. I am sorry for my claimed to you.and thank you for you help me.