There is a bug in UE5 converting from byte to string

In UE4 byte to string, you can use ascii
48 → 0
64 → A
97 → a

In UE5, byte to string cannot be used.
48 → 48
97 → 97


Hi Goodriver,

Please consider submitting a bug report for this.

UE5.1 still does not fix this bug

Has this bug been fixed?

There is currently this issue in UE5.3

its likely this is intentional behavior. are there any other “byte to string” nodes in 5.+? like byte to ascii? or byte to char?

Edit: i dont have UE5 installed atm so i cant check.

There are no other nodes left. This is intact in 4.27

hmm. i see. well you can, for now while you wait, make this functionality in C++ and expose it in BP. not really ideal, but it will give your functionality back at least.

id recommend making a function library plugin.
its a plugin so you can more easily move it between projects, and its a function library, so you can stick whatever you want in it.

Thank you for your reply. There are methods in C++. But this is a bug with UE, I am giving feedback