There a way to make prop visible/hidden and with collision disabled/enabled with verse with mutatur device?

There a way to make prop visible/hidden and with collision disabled/enabled with verse with mutatur device?

Not with the mutator zone device. That device is meant to affect players and other entities in the world.

You can either use the ‘Prop Maniplator’ device which has options to hide and show props in a zone or a signal prop, or you can do it via verse like how you want, here is the code to either show or hide a prop on game start.

using { / }
using { / }
using { / }

PropDevice := class(creative_device):
    @editable Prop: creative_prop = creative_prop {}

        # Or use .Show

Thank you very much!! but if i want to make it with verse code that when player enter mutator zone device the prop visible how can i do that?

i mean if i want to do when player press Conditional Button Device its make prop visible how can i do that?

Here a code example of a player entering a mutator zone and hiding a creative prop, don’t forget to link your devices up in the verse device in the world

using { / }
using { / }
using { / }

PropDevice := class(creative_device):
    @editable Prop: creative_prop = creative_prop {}
    @editable Mutator: mutator_zone_device = mutator_zone_device {}


        # Or use .Show
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same way as a mutator device, just replace mutator device with conditional_button_device and reference conditional_button_device in the Fortnite.Digest for how to use it

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Thank you so much!!! You helped me alot!!

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I changed the code to this but its not work for me when i press the button you know how to fix?

using { / }
using { / }
using { / }

PropDevice := class(creative_device):
    @editable Prop: creative_prop = creative_prop {}
    @editable Conditional: conditional_button_device = conditional_button_device {}

    Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void =
        # Or use .Show

nvm i fixed it and again, thank you very much!!!

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Hi again, i want to ask if you maybe know how to make verse code that show the player gold amount on hud but not as resource?

No verse is needed, in your IslandSettings device, just check the ‘Show Gold Resource Count’ setting

I mean it is possible to do it but not as a resourse? Like its just show the gold amount without the gold icon and not where the buildings section

i need something like that

Hi again! I want to replace the conditional button to player counter, on player removed. How can i do that? You can help me with this please?

Scale your prop to 0.01 instead of using Hide() or Show()

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There will still be collsion, even if it 0.0