The Young will fix? | "Creep It Real"- Challenge

The Young will fix?

Student Submission: Yes
I graduated my bachelor this summer, but I am also planning to use this clip to apply for a master course

Hello there,

This is a short film about the topics of environmental pollution and how we are treating our nature. The topic of how we are treating our world is important to me and I wanted to show, where this is leading. Yes, this is a political topic and I wanted to show the consequences of our pollution. There is no solution for what we are doing with nuclear waste and it feels like, that this problem is just passed to the young generation. Which I am a part of.

I feel like our capabilities to design virtual worlds, especially with the Unreal Engine, can be an important tool to show such topics in media. To make them public because we have so great opportunities to show what is happening. Not just by a poster, but to extend and exaggerate the consequences with crazy methods, that are otherwise impossible to create.

This was a rush to create in just 3 weeks since I started a bit late. I fortunately had this idea in my mind for a few weeks earlier. I wanted to tell a story about this topic and that was a huge motivation for me to get it done in this timeframe. It was an experience to create this project in this timeframe, which taught me alot. And it also was a lot of fun to create.

There is no audio since I`m going to revise this clip with proper cuts, color correction and fitting audio and sounds.

Cheers and have a great helloween weekend :blush:

Engine Version: 5.1 Preview 2

Credits to sourced content:

Quixel Assets:
Furn and grass
Black Alder Forest pack
Forest ground Assets and Materials
Damaged soccer ball

Ölfässer PBR 3D-Modell (free3D - animatedheaven)
Old concrete pavement (substance share - Maika Lalibaz)
Concrete with plaster (substance share - Babtiste Manteau) - mixed both together
Warning signs (Wolkdirekt) - texture for signs
“Abandoned playground” and "abandoned children`s slide (sketchfab - sergeilihandristov)
soccer goal (turbosquid - KW3DGraphics) used the net, otherwise modified