The widget for the item I have equipped keeps appearing.

Hello. I have a problem that I can’t solve. I made an interaction system. When my character touches the collision of an object, a widget appears. So far, it works as I want, but I can attach the object on the ground to the socket in my character’s hand. The widget inside the object continues to appear because it interacts with the collision of my character. I don’t want this, maybe there is a simple solution, but I tried many ways.

Could you turn off the collision of the object when you equip it? (that is if you don’t need it)

Other than that maybe only show the widget when the object is not equipped? (controlled by a boolean)

I’m a bit confused… I think I’m missing something otherwise it would be too easy.

This is unrelated and unwanted advice but try to avoid handling widgets on the server if possible.

I tried a new way. When I equipped the item, I made the widget invisible. But when I unequipped it, the widgets of other items started to appear.

Yea. In this approach you will have to unbind the items from the event when you detach them. Otherwise they will respond to each firing of the Inventory system events.

To be honest, events seem to me a bit of an overkill for what you are trying to achieve. Can’t you just call “UpadateAttach” on that particular item when attaching and detaching it. After all, you have a direct reference to it in both cases.