Here is the collision profile of my character mesh, as you can see it will block “world dynamic” object and two of my custom objects type"ProjectileMesh" and “ProjectilePawnDetect”.
Here is the my custom collision profile “projectilePawnDetect”, it is assign to a collision sphere to trigger overlap event when overlapping with pawn and physics body only. Notice its object type is set to my custom object type “ProjectilePawnDetect”. This setup will cause the projectile pass right through the character without triggering overlap event. If I change the object type within the same profile to “WorldDynamic” however, the overlapping event trigger without issue.
As far as the character mesh’s collision is concerned, “WorldDynamic” and “ProjectilePawnDetect” should be the treated as the same, they will all be blocked. Without changing any other settings on the projectile, just change the collision profile 's object type is somehow enough to produce different behaviours. I wonder if anyone has encountered similar issue or have any insight that willing to share?