The Weald - Finished Project

Playthrough video:

Follow the links in the videos description if you would like to see individual contributions.

Accused of treason, thrown into a bottomless pit for his crimes, Edmund manages to survive his fate. He awakes to find himself in a strange uninhabited forest. With no way back he must explore to find his way out of this ominous place. Soon it becomes apparent that there are stranger forces at play.

A narrative exploration game inspired by Medieval England in the Southwest. made by a group of seven postgraduates. The Weald focuses on atmosphere and visual aesthetics

This is a project created by a team of 7 in 15 weeks from the Bournemouth University MA in CGI Animation course. Environments were created using a mixture of sculpting and photogrammetry. Characters were created using Zbrush, Maya and Substance Painter.

If you would like to know more feel free to contact me here.