The WB_Compass failed to find Third Person Character when it’s possessing the horse how to fix?

Hello, I am a beginner
When the player mounts the horse, the mini-map and the compass stops working.
Itry to add compass and mini map component to the Horse BP but same problem .
how can i add the components to the horse rider mesh?

Here is the error log

I’m assuming it’s possessing the horse, so the player is now Horse bp, and the compass is looking for ThirdPersonCharacter bp.

In which case you can make it more general and use the basic owning pawn instead, unless it’s relying on something specific to ThirdPersonCharacter. I’m guessing it’s just using direction and position so I don’t know why it would need that. I’d have to see WB_Compass.

thanks for your answer,
The mini map and the compass component failed to find Third Person Character when it’s possessing the horse (becuse the player actor destrod after mount the horse ) but i have any idea how to fix this problem?

I’d have to see WB_Compass.

There’s a lot more functions in there than I expected. Probably in one of those. If you go to the message log, you can click any of the links and it’ll take you to where the error is.

  1. Track down where it’s trying to use ThirdPersonCharacter.
  2. See if you can make it work without it.

The third person character was not used in any of the components, but when Function SetDirection is turned off, the compass stops rotating and related errors disappear.(same used OwningCharacter as character i have to turned off But it does affect the way it works.)
All that is clear to me is that the problem is in this box(Function SetDirection)

It’s trying to get CameraRotation from FollowCamera which is invalid. So I would see where CameraRotation is being set (right-click, find references) and from there, find how FollowCamera is set or failing to be set.
It looks like it uses CameraRotation to rotate the compass and map.
So it needs to know which camera to get.

It could probably use Player Controller > Control Rotation instead of character camera rotation and having to check which character is possessed.

Thanks again for your help
The Compass is working now.

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