This is my final entry for the TheVineyard challenge. Unfortunately, I couldn’t finish it in time.
The whole process took about 6-7 weeks.
This is my final entry for the TheVineyard challenge. Unfortunately, I couldn’t finish it in time.
The whole process took about 6-7 weeks.
The lighting and material looks absolutely amazing!! Is this all dynamically lit?
Just one thing -> increase the mip map distance -> I think on the trees you can see the mip map and not the high res texture
Awesome! Too bad you missed the vineyard ue4 challenge.
<picks up jaw from the floor>
OMG !! i love it. Materials, lights, shadows, composition… Congratulations !!
That’s awesome!.. I was stalking some of your other posts and you said you’ll be doing some tutorials, how are they coming along?
i want to see demo!
Thanks guys!
Xerafel : For the exterior takes I have used “Dynamic Lighting”. Some objects like the car, I rendered as static.
gooner442 : Unfortunately I have to stop the tutorials because I will help Autodesk guys to improve their new engine, StingRay, and I don’t know when I will be back on this project.
Rafareis don’t go to the dark side! stick to ue4 joke good luck!
haha it’s just one more tool. I’m curious about what it can be done!
It’s probably the very similar to unreal but without a community lol!