The Vineyard Arch-vis - Josh Trevisiol

I wanted to post this here as a sort of post-mortem I suppose.

The vineyard was a fun experience, and I learned tenfold what I thought I would about using UE4 during the 12 week daily dive.
I’ve got a making-of written up here: Touuch - Home it mostly covers the troubles I ran into with a fully dynamic environment and how I either solved them or worked around them :slight_smile:

You should definitely check out some of the other folks work. There was a lot of excellent talent involved. I’ve linked the winners thread as well as the entrants thread.

Final thoughts about the competition:

I loved being able to take part in something this large. It really let me dig in and grow into UE4 and I’ve met some pretty cool artists while taking part.
Honestly though, I’m a little disheartened that there are no words from the judges. It felt very disorganized or under wraps near the end and it’s led to a bit of a lingering distaste in my mouth.
Regardless, I can’t really let myself be upset. I’ve got more work to do.
