the use of ik bone in ue

Hello, my friends, I want to know what the ik bone is used for and why the ik bone should be moved. Recently, I am learning the als advanced motor System, which involves the adjustment of ik bone, but I do not know what the use is. I have tested ik bone and found that it has nothing to do with other bones, so I often adjust it when editing.
I’m also confused as to why every skeleton in ue needs ik bones. I’m new to this. I’m confused about these questions

Hey @798208!

So IK is short for Inverse Kinematics, and it is used to determine distance from the ground or other objects for lining up animations realistically!

Until you learn about IK it’s safe to leave them as is or move them around, if they’re not being used in any IK programming they won’t do anything.

I understand how to use the blueprint functions of ik, but I don’t understand what the ik bones do. Generally, I move the bones in the skeleton directly, not the ik bones, because I don’t know what effect it will bring. What’s the point

So one use of IK bones is for contact within the skeleton for moving animations to skeletons of differing size instead of outside interactions.

They talk about it at this timestamp for a GDC talk for Unreal Engine animation features!

you should probally try the power ik plug in its really good

Now I understand the function of ik bone. After reading the official ue4 example, ik bone is actually the ik part of the original bone. The original purpose is to use it when the ik node is used, and the effect is better when it is combined with virtual bone

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