[= ;252315]
- When I make the big blog post writeups about each release that week, is actually interesting or helpful to anyone?
- What’s the first place you actually find out about new releases? Is it the blog post, the forum, or do you just log into the Marketplace and see the ‘NEW’ labeled items?
- Would a Marketplace Twitter account be interesting?
1: I do like the blog posts. Maybe you don’t need to go into so much depth? If you keep your current format with a weekly release (which I think should be more often if possible) then the depth is good, but if you are doing a recap I would have a much smaller blurb about the item. Let the pictures and videos sell the content, not your words and opinions on the asset.
2: I am at unrealengine.com religiously, so I see the blog post, but also the NEW tags really bring attention in the launcher.** I suggest you put the little ‘1’ notification that you have for the library/unreal tournament to include the Marketplace as well. makes users check and will be the best way to bring attention to new items. **
3: Meh.