The Unreal Marketplace Improvement and Feedback Thread

same here!

Why their is a rule of under moderation for the first comment

GIF supported .please

More data on sales and content popularity. I’d dedicate more of my time to creating better content for your platform if I had some more visibility on what users wanted to purchase.
Have a look at istockphoto or getty images and see how they use the sharing of data to fuel healthy competition in asset creation.

Get on people, it’s a force multiplier!

Product subscription option

Hi everyone!

There are some incredible well done solutions in the Unreal Engine Marketplace that enable developers faster progression in game development, etc. But naturally some solutions do not attract many customers or the products naturally reached the peak and the sales goes down. I am talking about solutions that took 6+ months of development, where the author spent a lot of time. The thing is that some authors already announced that development has stopped and some are no longer supporting the latest versions of the Unreal Engine. Do you think that adding a subscription model to certain products would help? For example the author reaches a certain amount of customers and by subscription the author is committed to support the product for the future generations of the Unreal Engine. Since game development usually takes a lot of time we are in “danger” that some solutions will be completely obsolete by the end of development where we can get a lot of issues.

Kind regards

The search function in the Marketplace is completely broken. I used to be able to type in the exact name of a product and get it as a result at the top of the page and now it’s not working. It’s nigh impossible to search through 100 pages skimming through the entire catalog of random things that had nothing to do with the name I typed in. is very discouraging and tedious, please fix .

[=“Gameist, post:727, topic:22096”]

The search function in the Marketplace is completely broken. I used to be able to type in the exact name of a product and get it as a result at the top of the page and now it’s not working. It’s nigh impossible to search through 100 pages skimming through the entire catalog of random things that had nothing to do with the name I typed in. is very discouraging and tedious, please fix .

I’m not stoked that the default sort order for search is “new to old” either. Some kind of popularity or search term ranking would be better. Even “most recently updated” would be better than straight “release date”.

[=“Gameist, post:727, topic:22096”]

The search function in the Marketplace is completely broken. I used to be able to type in the exact name of a product and get it as a result at the top of the page and now it’s not working. It’s nigh impossible to search through 100 pages skimming through the entire catalog of random things that had nothing to do with the name I typed in. is very discouraging and tedious, please fix .

They are already aware of the and are fixing it. happened because they are introducing new features that will be launch soon and they are likely to only affect creators for now, not sure it affecting everyone.

It’s a minor thing, but if you already know the name of a product on the market, and type it into the searchbar, the website just comes back with a load of unrelated junk.

For example, type ‘sky’ ( and press enter ), and you’ll get products with ‘sky’ in the name. But type ‘ultra dynamic sky’ and you’ll get junk. Also type ‘ultra’, see one of the options that comes up in the list, click it, and get junk…

Just an observation… :slight_smile:

Email notifications of comments on the Marketplace please!

Sales. There should be a “Sort By” option for the Date when products went on sale. When you browse the section again in a couple of days you want to be able to quickly find products that went on sale since your last search - rather than have to scroll through all pages of things you’ve already seen with their current discounts.

  • Email notifications of comments on the Marketplace would be wonderful. Or any other system really. I can’t scroll through a bunch of old comments to see if people replied every day. It’s annoying and easy to miss new comments by doing . Seems like a no brainer to want to have the developers able to respond quickly to customers.

  • Why can I only release a code plugin for the latest 3 versions? That’s less than a year’s time of releases. I can’t help but feel customers are being ignored by only being able to release for less than a year’s worth of Unreal versions.

I would love to see the ability to sort items by Rating / Amount of Ratings. Given the sheer amount of items in the marketplace, it’s hard to quickly find the most popular assets in the store.

When I buy new assets sometimes a lot at once it would be nice to get a shiny blue or some color meaning it’s new, like the orangey with updates in the library so don’t need try find it. Also having some kind of adjusting bar with labels to group products would be helpful eg. Landscapes, Materials, Animations, 3D Models etc. I like organization, wishlist would be nice also :slight_smile:

Hi guys, a couple words about why free content rounds are not good for content creators:

Bad example Unity store - there too much of cheap\free content and price damping - so in case of good but high priced packages many peoples wrote comments like - “omg it’s too overpriced and have a one bug (and don’t have button make all autogood) don’t buy, use cheap\free XXX instead!!” (and comments have marked as 666 peoples like it). Unity assetstore customers community seems really toxic in case. It would be sad if marketplace community will go way.

Because of it we have stopped on doing assetstore packs.
For example our Landscape Auto Material have really nice instrument pack (we have made Foliage Paint, UE4 Style grass in Unity!) but really poor sales.

You have to understand the demographics of Unity asset buyers.
The type of buyers, their regional social struggles, and the kind of projects they’re working on… then you will understand why their asset store is the way it is (and why I left).

It’s a market quite different from developers using Unreal.
Majority of projects in Unreal won’t have much use for free models anyway simply because most won’t fit art direction.
And “free” is actually paid for, Epic is paying creators for doing . And these free assets won’t stay free forever.

is positive scenery.
I understand that it could be good for sellers in short-term in case of significant compensation from Epic. But also I have concern about potential dumping rise in long term.

I think it’s a balance that Epic will have to continue to manage. It isn’t recent either, ever since the beginning there’s been an effort to ensure quality content. Now with more sellers than before it can be a bit more difficult, but speaking as a buyer and not a seller I definitely wouldn’t want the UE4 marketplace to become a store where finding quality content is like looking for a needle in a haystack. And I don’t think Epic wants it to become like that either, which is why the free content rotation is specifically looking for high quality content which I think will encourage more sellers to strive for higher quality content which is a win for all. =)

A subforum for each marketplace item.

Hello everyone, i have been browsing on the market place for UE4 looking at the environmental section all so very beautiful assets, but i notice it is all a bit messy 8K hear 4K there low Polly it is all very mixed, i would love to see all photorealism together, 8K together 4K together low Polly together, it would really benefit everyone, if someone want to work with 8K wouldn’t have to find a needle in a haystack. Someone else wants to work with low Polly, all low Polly together, someone else want to work with photorealism, photorealism would be all together, if we all got a telephone white pages and all the names was not in alphabetical order, all jumbled up example if the telephone white pages the alphabet was in a computer keyboard order like q, w, e, r, t ,y, u, i , o, p, a, s, d, f, g, h, j, l, k, z, x, c, v, b, n, m if the telephone white pages was in that order i be forever finding anything i through the dam thing in the bin.