The UI have expert/advanced/beginner modes? recommended settings and icons highestqual/perf/best all tools

title says most of it. I think each section or page of the UEengine and the tools in a category or group should have a link to like a youtube video that demos each tool and shows the effect and explains it VISIBLY AS POSSIBLE quick and brief as possible with links to technical stuff like this effect is achieved using a radialgaussianblurring and multiplying hard light overlays with highpass filtering or whatever i dunno. if something is a multipass rendering method or if its a quicker lower quality single pass render output thing? you understand? I often see a bunch of tool selection options even a beginner might wonder which lighting to use direct or omnidirectional and how much it impacts FPS or latency but while one scene or setting with certain lighting or assets or environment options might look great with it, the next room over maybe its very not worth it as its less visible or just cripples performance. Could you use VRS to like show impact of toggling or applying a tool or whatever? ive not really used the UE5 yet but the youtube tutorials always all seemed to click the same things on every time so why arent there templates for highest quality and icons next to each tool like impacts performance heavily or is highest quality.
everybody seems to just turn on the same options and everybody wants the highest quality… or wants to ray tracing stuff. so you could list “this default project setting for ray tracing highestquality graphics settings physically possible enables the following settings for you” and then people can just dial sliders down for say polycount or meshes/modelquality and character details or whatever overall as a simple “im a noob but want pro youtube.” unreal engine for the not have a clue type people… i mean even all those mikumiku dance videos need people to spend a few weeks on forums learning how to do stuff… but mobile phone apps HDR and ray trace like you wouldnt believe effortlessly by press a button? i think you need to understand given 5 choices 5,000 people will probably chose the worst option half the time! so just say “heres quality heres performance, heres some dial sliders go have fun”