the ue4 blue print maprangeclamp is how towork

ok,i am new to study ubreal .today i see a blue print , have five input.
i know the value is the playerinput to make this function to deal . In range A and in range b is the function to be available scale.out rang a and b is the number that the controlled actor
can be effect.also the formula is ob+(ob-oa)*(v-ib)/(ib-ia).but the important is whats the reason that the formula as this .I want a people to tell the formula"s underlying principle.

When you mouse over the nodes, they give an explanation

The only difference, is the ‘clamped’ node will make sure the input range is with the specified values.

en,it;s ok .But what i didn’t know . this function how to use these data and formula as what i writed “ob+(ob-oa)*(v-ib)/(ib-ia)” to calculate and why use this formula.en all in all i want know is the arithmetic logic about this formula.Also thank you for you answer.
ps:ob ==out range b; oa is also like this.
ib/a==in range b/a;

If it’s clamped, then oa = A and ob = B.

You may have misunderstood my question, but in the case of this picture it turns out to be 33, and I know the formula but I don’t know how it’s derived.

A < B always, otherwise you get rubbish… :slight_smile:
