The texture turns black after importing it into the unreal engine


What is it supposed to look like? And what does it look like if you double click the asset to open it in the texture editor?

It has to do with you using a PNG file. It has to take the transparency information and move it to an alpha channel and then fill in the color information where that transparency was, so you’ll see extra color that wasn’t there before and you’d need to apply the alpha in your material to get the transparency back.
It’s better to use a format like TGA which can have an alpha channel and then you can control what color is in the transparent areas and avoid any issues like a border that’s the wrong color. PNG has the transparency “baked in” whereas other formats use an alpha channel.

I noticed that this happens with any textures with a resolution of 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048

Thanks, but the same thing happens with tga

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It says invalid texture in the window, not sure what might be causing that but if you’ve changed anything about the texture after importing it then change it back to default.

Any chance you can post the PNG file? Also, what software did you use to create it?

If you just rename the PNG file and import that into the engine as a new asset, do you get the same error? If so, the problem is very likely a corrupt source file.

I can of course post the file (Untitled-1.png - Google Drive). But this error happens with any file of any extension with a resolution of 1024x1024

And also 512x512, 256x256, 128x128, 100x100, 200x200, 300x300, 400x400, 500x500, 600x600 and so on

This error does not exist if you set the texture resolution for example 1025x1025. It is very strange

UE 4.27.1

No, I haven’t changed anything …
But I noticed that the error disappears when reimporting, but returns again when compressing or saving

It might be worth a try to delete the Config and Intermediate folders to see if there’s something wrong with settings that might have been changed on accident. Then there’s the obvious things like validating the UE install, reinstalling the engine completely, checking if it happens on a brand new project etc.

Nothing helped … I tried everything. I think I can just change the texture resolution to something else and everything will work. This is the only solution for me so far.

I had the same problem, change the compression parameters in the details of your texture :wink:

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The problem disappeared after installing the previous version of ue4

Disable “Oodle texture” plugin. It worked for me.


that worked for me ,thanks your my hero

I had the same issue. I remembered earlier listening to a tutorial and it recommended “Enabling virtual texture support” in the project settings. Somehow i did that and also enable on texture import. Anyway, I went back, disabled “virtual texture on import” and it solved my issue.

Change the resolution by 1 pixel, it does the trick!
For example: change 1024 Ă— 1024 to 1025 Ă— 1025

Thanks it worked for me.

How to solve this problem