When it comes to compiling the project, everything flows quite well, but when it finishes packaging, it throws those last two messages, and when you open the packaging, it crashes and throws that alert message. Does anyone know how to solve it? I’ve looked for information on how to solve one or the other, and neither of them improves. I have already deleted the Build, Intermediate and saved folders as recommended in several forums, but there was no change. I updated the version of the UE, to the most recent 5.4, and the problem is not solved either. I have tried packaging completely new projects in both engines and in both it works perfectly, so I think it is a problem in the project. I have changed the packaging path, the project path, checked if there are any special characters, any poorly compiled actors,… but I can’t find where the error is… I have opened the file referred to in the crash notice but I don’t see that there is any problem…could someone tell me how to solve it? Please, I’m going crazy hahahaha