The Stones of our Ancestors | Environment


The Stones of our Ancestors is an atmospheric render, made using assets from Quixel Megascans, UE Marketplace and Sketchfab. I rendered it using UE 5.3 pathtracing. Everything you see is made completely inside UE5 with some touch ups done in photoshop and lightroom.


Hi there @Atlas2311,

Hope you’re well and having a wonderful week so far :slight_smile:

This is easily one of the most beautiful environments I’ve ever seen. It creates that ominous feeling of needing to explore and discover. The lighting, water reflection, scale of the environment is all done so incredibly well. Do you plan on creating a shortfilm/game with this environment at all?

Hi Panda !

Thank you very much for the compliments, I’m happy to hear you like this environment !
I plan to make couple of more environments set in a similar environment/tone, and I might make some sort of a musical at some point. However at the moment I enjoy making these as individual art pieces where I explore various environmental settings, both to satisfy my creative hunger and to update my portfolio as an environment artist :slight_smile:

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Totally understandable :slight_smile: I was just hoping for more art anyways so… I look forward to seeing those other environments! :smiley:

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