The "Receive Hardware Input" option in 3D Widget Component does not work in multiplayer.

Simple as the title says. Any solution?

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bumping this…

bumping this…

bumping this.

bumping this…

Anyone looking to solve this will need a bit more information regarding the implementation.

I have a widget inside an actor with “Receive hardware input” enabled to make the widget interactive. This works in singleplayer but not in multiplayer.

Does it work as the server in multiplayer? This may be an issue with the BP having conditions to pick the correct player’s info. Is this working off the player controller? Do you have a screenshot of how this is implemented?

Yes, it work as the server but not as the client.

Here’s an screenshot of the actor’s blueprint:

This is a widget, so I assume it is on the client only. This would mean the player controller should be fine. However, any information moving to and from the widget will need to properly run on the server.

Forgive me, but I do not see the “Receive Hardware input” pin in the blueprint, can you provide some more info on specifically where the hardware input is being set or accessed?

“Recieve Hardware Input” is an option in the widget component to make it interactable.

Captura de pantalla 2024-01-27 223210

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Oh, I may not have been on the same page. Can the clients not interact with the widget at all?

No, when a client tries to click the buttons of the widget they dont work but when a server tries it works.

Do these buttons do something within the widget, or something in the level? If they do something in the level, the failure is caused by the lack of authority to do anything outside of the client. They must talk to the server, best done via player state. If they do something within the widget, I would check if any prerequisite info outside the widget, such as variables from other actors is being received. I would check anything the widget sources from outside itself with print statements.

they do it only on the widget, also i tried using prints which they leaded to confirm that the clients cant interact with the widget

Ok. The screenshot you posted shows an event that is received from a blueprint interface. Does the blueprint ever run this event? Also, what sends this event to the widget? Typically this indicates the event is triggered from elsewhere.

That event gets trigged when the user press “E” while looking at the actor. What the event does is basically show mouse cursor, allow other interaction variables, etc. But nothing of this has to do with the widget

Ok then, I don’t think I am on the same page. Let’s back up. What type of interactions are not working for the widget, what triggers them, and what do they alter?

There are some buttons inside the widget that when u click them it changes some integer variables and according to the integer value an image changes.

Ok, got it. Sorry for my confusion and delayed response, but where does “receive hardware input” come into effect?