The Re-Inventing the Wheel Thread

There was indeed some weird behavior with Hevedy’s port of TegLegs project. I couldn’t reproduce the same behavior when I ported this myself into 4.14 but tested and verified it indeed breaking with Hevedy’s 4.14 port.

However, important thing here is to realize that the core issue is NOT related to this project but to some physx / UE4 oddity since 4.14. It could be related to some data corruption when upgrading the files from previous engine version into 4.14+ as well (which would explain why it broke for Hevedy but not for me). I’ve also seen this kinds of freezing on completely different physx simulated UE4 project.

What could be the problem?
When packaging project

just tried this on 4.15.1
after making some small changes to get it to compile i get a crash soon as PIE starts with this log

UE4Editor_TestCar!ATegCar2::GetPowerToWheels() [g:\ue4 15\carplugin415\plugins estcar\source estcar\private\ategcar2.cpp:706]
UE4Editor_TestCar!ATegCar2::AddDrive() [g:\ue4 15\carplugin415\plugins estcar\source estcar\private\ategcar2.cpp:558]
UE4Editor_TestCar!ATegCar2::CustomPhysics() [g:\ue4 15\carplugin415\plugins estcar\source estcar\private\ategcar2.cpp:412]
UE4Editor_TestCar!TBaseUObjectMethodDelegateInstance<0,ATegCar2,void __cdecl(float,FBodyInstance * __ptr64)>::ExecuteIfSafe() [g:\ue_4.15\engine\source\runtime\core\public\delegates\delegateinstancesimpl.h:858]

has something changed with customphysics since 4.10?

nevermind i was using a broken version of the plugin

Fixed the broken links in the first post, sorry about that (for 4.10)

im updating to 4.15 and will post it when its done, ill take a look at fixes and stuff people made in this thread and add any good ones, thanks everyone for those
any bugs to report?
any features/examples or anything you want added?

Hey. I am trying to use your plugin v4.0 in unreal 4.14 but it doesnt work ? Have you updated it for 4.14 or am i doing something wrong? please answer

I have updated this plugin to compile under 4.18.x / VS2017 and I am re-sharing it here with permission from @tegleg.

Download link: - Google Drive


thanks @vr_marco
updated the first post with your link and a credit

I’m looking to make a blueprint only trace based vehicle. I’ve tried to follow this tutorial series which seems close to what I want to achieve, however it’s really hard to follow due to it being in Russian and the auto-generated translated subtitles aren’t that great. I’m wondering if anyone is interested in trying to help me improve on this design, or at least suggest changes which could improve it.

Try this

I don’t speak Russian either but Ivan’s tutorials are pretty understandable if you ask me (got to learn few words of Russian too!) A couple of potential improvements over his setup is to implement multi raycast wheels and a more realistic tire friction model (e.g. Pacejka or similar). Where did you get so far?

I’ve gotten to the wheel particles video, and at the moment I’ve started trying to change it to not section off every bit into individual functions and have it all only do one wheel at a time instead of having loops all over the place. I feel like I don’t understand it as much as I could if I could tell what he was saying the whole time, but I think I got enough to get by. I have noticed that if you turn and brake at the same time the vehicle will turn the wrong direction because it’s acting like the wheel is moving in reverse. I would absolutely like to look at multi raycast and other improvements at some point.

Having issues with the 4.18.x installation, compiled and prompting error tegcar_8 missing or NULL parent class.

Looks like some modules are missing. Did it compile properly? No errors/warnings?

I cant even get the project to open in 4.18.3 usind vs2015 any help please

My port is for 4.18.x and VS2017. I don’t think it will open with VS2015 unless you rebuild the project from scratch.

Is it possible for you or anybody to rebuild it or port it with vs2015 reason for this is because vs2017 was giving me some major issues and i had to revert back to 2015. really i would very much appreciate it thank you.

Can anyone help Please ??? Anyone??

really so noby has this compiled with vs2015 ??? Then how would i go about recompiling it with vs2015 any help, ive been trying for the past few day? come on please any help?

I download the plugin from the google drive link you provided and rebuilt it with ue4.18.3 and vs2017 after generating a project. When opening the uproject, it showed a lot of errors and warnings just like the one posted by AdamF. I think it’s very likely because of the missing of script/testcar.TegCar or something else. Can you check your zip file in case if anyhing missing? thanks.

As suggested by **yingxic **its the missing script/testcar.TegCar that is causing all the issues, can you maybe upload a new copy or atleast see if you are able to compile from the download provided?