"The Raven" Creep it Real Challenge

“The Raven” Creep it Real Challenge

I am not a student, just love it all :heart:

Credits to sourced content:
-Megascans Trees: European Black Alder (early access)
-Advanced Glass Material Pack
-Particles and Wind Control System
-Realistic Starter VFX Pack Vol 2
-Arch Vis Polish Pack #2
-Quixel Bridge


The project is called Jacks, after an idea that had occurred to me before I completely changed course.

build the sequence of images and audio in blender

Failed scene: I couldn’t export the particles from Blender, so I decided to animate without them. I would have liked to see them moving with the wind in the last scene.

Bed and table modeled and texture by myself. Carpet painted and textured by myself.
It is a representation of the poem The Raven.
Unreal Engine Version: 5.0.3


Fantastic lighting! Looks super real!


Thank you very much!

In the event that it depends, To tell you a little bit about it, I faithfully recreated Edgar’s room located at the University of Virginia and another room inspired by the year it was written.

More photos: Photographer seeks 'The Raven Room,' finds much more

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