The rainning scene and a snow map

HI guys,I have created a rainning scene and a snow map with UE4; I designed the level,include model,vfx,blueprint,ect. hope you like it. and I will have start my new year holiday from tomorrow!:smiley: Happy new year,everyone:)

Looks awesome. I like the transition of the materials on the snowmap. (:

Great looking. Will you release a demo to try it out? Also I figured out all the tools you used from the logos you showed, but I didn’t understand what program you used next to UE4 logo.

It was all very impressive but I found the mud most compelling. When the first character was running through it, it was so convincing I half expected the character to become muddy himself.

Yes,you are right,:smiley: I have started working on those materials.

and I hope it will have a level of details such like this;)

The logo is just a vidio I download from youtube.:slight_smile:

I like the atmosphere, nice job!

Where is that last image from? Is that from a game?

No I mean in the next seconds, below I see logos of ZBrush, Quixel, Photoshop, (what I am looking for), then UE4.

What is that (what I am looking for) logo? What is that tool? Thanks !

Great work, really inspiring!

how about u show us how to do what u did :slight_smile: a break down would be sick.

Plastica - that’s the old 3DS Max logo.