A WIP for an Hypotethical **Punisher **game for next gen, the idea is to recreate a frame shot from the TV Show “Daredevil”
The first picture is my Concept Art for the project
I made it UE4 friendly and as soon as possible I will make it available for free to download in order to study the Mudbox/Maya development.
Everything textured and painted in Substance and rendered in IRay.
Head Polycounts: 20K
Chest Polycounts: 8K
Clothes Polycounts: 4K
Textures in 4096x4096
Contact: [EMAIL=“adrianograsso1991@gmail.com”]adrianograsso1991@gmail.com
Skype: [EMAIL=“adrianograsso1991@gmail.com”]adrianograsso1991@gmail.com
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