the project resets every time I open it

This issue hasn’t occured in demo. Every time I open a project I have saved it resets to some previous step in the process like aligment or pointing dense cloud but not to the moment I’ve saved it (a textured mesh).

Can somebody assist me with this? I have Steam version.

What happens if you rename the project when saving?
Maybe there are some write-protection or access issues?

When you open a projct it by default selects the first component.

You need to select the proper component to see your progress.

Ah true, that’'s the one… :slight_smile:

excuse me but I don’t see how can I select the next “step”. yes, it somehow chooses the first step of aligning images but there is nothing in the manual about selecting steps.

again, there was no such thing in the demo

ok, for those who find this post trying to fix the same issue it’s here -

Hey radionix,

you need to set the view on the top left with the preview images from 2D to 1D.
Then you get a tree of all components, images, control points etc.
There you can select the active one.
After re-opening, it is by standard the first one. I never understood why.
I fell victim to that for a couple of times myself - gave me quite some shocks! :slight_smile:

I shall make a feature request to change standard to the last component…