Version: UE4.27
BackGround: I want to make a similar player with reference to the ThirdPersonCharacter as a pratice of using BluePrints to make a player moving
Problem: When I set my player in the level, I make sure that the player is on the ground. But when I press play, the player is hanging in the air a little bit
I guess the issue is the mesh feet are not aligned with the capsule bottom. You’ve probably erroneously shifted the mesh in the character blueprint. You can see in the first screenshot that the capsule is clipping the floor. It gets pushed out at BeginPlay.
Thank you for your reply. The character doesn‘t fall to the ground. I can controll him to run in the level by WASD or do mouse rotation. And He is just always in the air, with a certain distance showed in the second picture.
Yes, the skeletal mesh hasn’t been properly aligned with the bottom of the collision capsule. There are tutorials on YouTube, but essentially they will tell you to:
open up the player character blueprint
click on the skeletal mesh component in the viewport
drag it down a few units (these are centimeters) until the bottom of the feet align with the bottom of the collision capsule… and voila, fixed
i think the capsule collison block the floor so when beginplay the player is hanging in the air a little bit.You can fix in character blueaprint the character mesh has foot overlap the bottom capsule