The Only Scripting Language for Unreal

Then you are in luck because was used to write Sleeping Dogs. I’m not sure offhand how many dialog lines that it had, though several thousand for sure. I know that at any given time it had around 50 thousand concurrently running script tasks to simulate a Hong Kong game world. could be used to write KOTOR or Mass Effect without breaking a sweat. It is the engine that does most of the heavy lifting compared to and UE4 is amazing tech to be paired with.

I don’t know about Sleeping Dogs, or how much Dialogue it had, but well take a look at my strange project. Then tell me if Skookum can handle it because I am finding the blueprint system and the modeling tools in the engine to be limited… I got the dialog text and pic matching system working, but not the audio yet. I’m not sure how to code this game yet so it can beable to fit inside unreal engine.

can handle it. It will handle it better than Blueprints if you give it a .

The game script is already over 218 thousand lines long. but with unreal blueprints you end up making
too many files and over time, this bogs down the system.

I’m not so big on coding “especially C++” in the past I would deal with C# and Python “I’m still dealing with Python”. If the UE4 ever got C# support I would see myself dealing with code some more. With Unity I dealt with C# and scripting in Unity felt like a right away thing since it supported C# but I hated and I mean HATE JavaScript in it which turned me down from using it.

But there are coded versions of my games and they have there advantages but with C or C++ its just something I never bothered to learn sure at times I will try to tear Unreal apart and try to figure out how it works with that language but aside from that its not something I’m well aware of for writing code down with and if it was this should had happened as a teenager because at that time like at around 16 years old I was looking into what language to learn to make Xbox games and I herd that it used C# “Xbox Live Arcade” so I went and bought a officially licensed Microsoft book for learning C# and I took it from there also I herd C++ was much harder so I treated it like the plague and ran away from it.

If UE4 magically got C# support I would pick that over shookumscript easily, this wont replace it not even Blueprints on my end.

That script looks interesting but its another headache for me and wont replace blueprints “this is just me and my opinion”.

Wasn’t this thing awarded like $15,000? with Dev Grants whats the kickstarter for?


first, please use punctuation in your post, otherwise it makes it really hard to read :wink:

Second, yes, got a DevGrant. But if you reread the first post, this is about COURSES for by a different company.

But I didn’t use C+ or C# C++ or Python or Java or any of those advanced languages. I used to record all my audio dialogue
with.and because the dialogue system is big because of the number of worlds that the game has, I had to use examdiff to update any new
dialogue script entries. Examdiff is how I keep track of everything new or changed in my game script… Then I update it to my website which has most of the game’s script already up online on it because this game I made is pretty bizzare…I mean really bizzare.

But I haven’t got the 3d face software to make my 3d models lip synch in the game in real time yet because I don’t know what software I need for Unreal Engine to do this. So the only facial animation software that I have that lip synches my dialogue but it only does it as 2d picture movies and that’s that Crazy Talk program. But the problem with Crazy Talk, is that it don’t always animate every pic very well, sometimes you get double eyelids or stretched textures, ect, and I don’t think it allows you to add in more than one talking actor into the scene so you can have two or more characters exchange between conversations. So I would need special software to do that. but I don’t know what software I need or where to get it. So until then we can only do solo character movies. Then just string all these solo scenes all together as one movie
cutscene I guess.

So Facial Animation of your rigs would be nice so you can see your character talking just only audio (no subtitles)., Otherwise its just 2d
talking movies with text displayed next to it in a widget. Or just playing Audio with the character turned the other way because he
has no facial animation so he can’t talk. But Mixamo has no facial animation auto rigger either.

In Crazy Talk you can paste a picture of your game environment as a scene background for your character, but because Crazytalk is not the Game Engine, you can’t have all the engine special effects running in the background, so what you get is a talking 2d character with nothing happening in the background. its all static and dead and the only thing that’s moving is just your lip synching character…Because the program dosen’t produce any animation files for Unreal Skeletons, it produces instead still frame pics for constructing these solo talking movies. And I heard when it processes all the frames to create your movie, that it can’t do transparency in the frames.

Do you have a reason for this? Because you get some things you wouldn’t get with C# like being able to run scripts while running the game for debugging or whatever and it’s way faster to compile. Also it’s more specialized for games so there’s less “boilerplaty” stuff.

Indeed. I have programmed in Python and C# extensively, I would never pick them over for game development.

That would not be wise, is far better suited for game development than C#

What script are you referring to here?

The Kickstarter is for educational material for and programming in general.


I’m actually working with C++/Blueprints and it took me 1 day to realize how awesome Skookum Script is but i don’t really want to learn it from zero with the current documentation (I would learn it anyway actually, for starting the development of my first game in a month or two). An online course would be great, i hope it’s a kind of an advanced course too (interfaces, delegates, components, etc).

For the people that doesn’t know:
As a UE4 C++ programmer, Skookum Script is a blessing. The compilation times are not only way faster, they are instantaneous! Working with threads, timers, ticks, etc. is a pain in C++/C# but SK reduces all that complexity and actually makes it simple and easy to use. Also, you can write and execute code in runtime and if i’m not wrong you can do it even if your game is running in a shipping platform like a Console or a Smartphone, that’s wizardry!
As a Blueprint programmer that wants to learn C++, Skookum Script is a better alternative from my perspective. But i’m not sure if with SK we can integrate third party libraries or if we can expose engine functionality to blueprints as we can do it in C++. Anyway, SK can work with C++ and Blueprints.

I hope this course is released soon! If it’s not too much to ask, when it’s planned to be initially released?

Any your documentation will be updated? Maybe have documentation similar to QT? Honestly, the lack of good documentation / videos are a block for me. I know, I know… most peeps are smart enough to figure it out on your own, but API references, etc. would be great. I noticed on the web site that the docs are work in progress… when will additional docs be completed? Thanks!


It will be a full course, from beginner to advanced. We will assume that the user knows nothing, the beginning of the course will be quite remedial. However, because we are using , we should be able to get to the more advanced material at a quicker pace.

It can, we have done it before. exposes much of the engine functionality already, you can expose as much as you desire.

The Kickstarter goes live tommorrow, the course opens to early adopters 1 month after the closing of the Kickstarter. The course opens to everyone else 2 months after the Kickstarter has been concluded. Of course, the schedule is predicated upon the success of the Kickstarter.

That is one of the reasons we are doing this. We also want more people to learn to program in general. Obviously, monetary benefits as well :slight_smile:

I think this is great that you are making the tutorial series… but a tutorial video doesn’t take the place of good documentation. Its an addition… Thanks!


I can’t argue with that :). Maybe we can help out with documentation later down the road.

Yes, but you’re talking about two different things. The tutorial series is being made by independent users of and the documentation is done by the developers. That being said I wouldn’t mind more updated myself, but it’s not really related to the topic directly. But I guess the devs are reading this thread anyway so they should see your suggestions.



That would be cool… Not sure if you have worked with QT, but check out their documentation… Its the gold standard. Here’s an example from their API: QApplication Class | Qt Widgets 5.15.16


I am familiar with QT, thanks for the suggestion.

Simply because I have more knowhow with C# its as simple as that, I’m comfortable with C# and Python Python plays a big role with my game development granted outside of Unreal as for C# its there but not something I have used as much I was going to use it with CryEngine but the learning curve on that thing is so steep and my assets were having a hard time getting imported I stopped using it all together.

I’m sure its great but it wont replace Blueprinting for me I do tend to use coded versions of my games and yes the coded versions are much faster than blueprints but I simply don’t know C or C++ but I do try to learn it I do tear the engine apart to see how it works with its code in Visual Studio but I tend to have a hard time with it simply again because I don’t know C or C++.