Im creating a power up, and I set my Boolean (IsDamagable) to false. This PowerUp is a “temporary invincibility” power up. I added my delay, and after the delay, the Boolean is set to true, meaning the player is now able to be attacked, but for some reason it does not register the delay. The actor is destroyed on contact, becasue it is a power up, and i dont want people to go over it over and over.
If you destroy this power up actor, any node after the *Destroy *node (do we see a bit of the node on the far left here?) will not fire because the power up is on the *GarbageCollector’s *plate now - pending kill
Consider moving the is[not]Damagable logic to the MainCharacter, ideally in a form of a Custom Event, and then:
*PowerUp *gets activated -> fire MainCharacter’s *Custom Event *(making it not damagable + delay), destroy PowerUp
This way it’s the character that controls the delay and *isDamagable *reactivation.
Thank You Everynone, that helped a lot. Its all good now.