The "No-AI" doesn't work in the marketplace, please fix it !

I sometimes search for specific things and would like the “No-AI” tag to actually work in the marketplace, because I don’t want thousands of AI generated assets to clog up my search results.
Right now it doesn’t do anything, as evident by this screenshot:

Please fix this and make the tag actually hide all the AI-generated assets.

The “NoAI” tag does what it’s supposed to do.
In fact, as far as I know, the “NoAI” filter just indicates that the creator of the pack doesn’t want their pack being used to train an AI. There is also a “Created with AI” tag which indicates that the assets were created with the AI. A lot of AI created assets are marked with both tags meaning “Yes, I did this with the AI, but I don’t allow anyone else to further create AI assets using this pack”.

So far, so good except that in the current Marketplace - at the difference for example of Artstation one - one cannot exclude a tag. One cannot say: “I want to see all assets, except those created with AI” and that’s, in my opinion, a problem.
However, I doubt they will add a new feature to the Marketplace now that they are developing Fab, I just hope Fab will have the feature to exclude a tag (not only the ones related to AI) from the search.

Introducing the NoAI and CreatedWithAI tags - Community / Marketplace - Epic Developer Community Forums (