the new update of 1.5 problems

“There is an issue with Reality Capture crashing and stopping the task. My first encounter with that was when I loaded photos from an external drive. I had to force restart the PC because mid-operation, not only did the program crash, but as a result of the back-and-forth search in the images and their storage location, Windows also crashed.”
After this experience, I moved all the images to the main M.2 drive. It helped a bit, but now and then there are still some crashes
My assumption is that for some reason, the program has a problem with the way it uses the paths to where the information is stored.

Hi, thanks for reporting this, for a proper investigation we would need steps to reproduce the issue consistently.

Hi, i am not sure this is related, but i have also experienced a lot of crashing on 1.5 lately. Espescially when realigning a second time after alignment it always crashes. This is consistant over 3 different data sets.

It could also be related to NVIDIAs latest driver… as i updated this in the process, i dont know what it could be…

I have sent you loads of crash reports lately. Seeing others also have problems, Maybe a common thing?

Happy hollidays.