The New Harvey House | An Unreal 5 Descent Into the Anthropocene

Somewhere in the South Dakota Badlands, out near enhanced geothermal fields, cross country train passengers take their overnight rest at an Arcadian hotel. The eco-brutalist Harvey House that sits at the shore of the newly minted shallow sea - harbinger of the Anthropocene. Guests staying at the New Harvey House, arrive at platform 29 via elevated train and embark on a 1/2 mile trek through eroded badlands terrain and geyser fields. After passing through the hotel’s gatehouse the guests arrive at their lodgings. While a place for rest and connection with nature, the hotel’s vast halls hold spectacular secrets that will dazzle and entertain the most intrepid of guests.

Made with Unreal 5, Blender, Rhino3D, Grasshopper, Substance Painter, Davinci Resolve, Affinity Suite, and Zbrush.

See more high resolution images here: The New Harvey House - 3d Envrionment Art & Architecture - Josh H

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Hi there @fi2700,

Welcome to the Unreal Engine forums! So exciting to see a new face around here :smiley: If you have any forum-y questions, feel free to throw them my way and I’ll do my best to answer them.

As for your project, it’s absolutely beautiful. The lighting, specifically, is about as perfect as I’ve ever seen. It almost feels like a good dream. How long have you been working with Unreal? :slight_smile:

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Hey @PresumptivePanda Thank you, and I appreciate the welcome!

A big influence was David Lynch, so I’m glad the dream like influence is coming through. This project I’ve been working on in unreal since about 2022, though before that I was also working as an environment artist on VALORANT over at Riot Games for a couple years, and that was primarily a lot of work in Unreal 4.