The mesh has no collision(movable)

I’ve set all my meshes from static to movable and put it into a level streaming volume. When I start to play the character falls down…I’ve edited the mesh(I’ve put collision), but no changes.:frowning: What should I try to do?
Thanks for help!:wink:

Hi ,

Could you post some screenshots of the Details panel for the floor, specifically the collision settings?

How did you apply collision to the mesh?

Select mesh->Edit->Add "Box Simplified Collision"alt text

That looks to be the standard 400x400 wall asset. Which template did you use to make your project? 3rd Person Template?

Blank (including the starter content). I don’t know what could be the problem. :(. Anyway thanks for helping me!

Since you created your character blueprint from scratch I doubt that I can properly troubleshoot it here. Would you be willing to send me a link to download your project (parred down for size if needed) by Private Message on the Forums?

I’ve sent You a friend request. Tomorrow I’m a bit busy. I’l send send my project tomorrow. Thanks!

Not a problem, whenever you get time.

If I start “Simulate”, not “Play”, when I press “Stop” it shows me the “Message Log” window. I don’t really understand what does it want to say:( Here is my Level Blueprint.

We have been looking into ‘Accessed None’ errors for a while now. Currently we don’t have a solution but I may have a workaround for you.

Try disconnecting all of the nodes in that blueprint, compile and save, and then reconnect them. Sometimes this will stop the errors. If it doesn’t, please post back and let us know.

Hi ,

I’m going to resolve this question with your solution from our Private Message. If you would like to elaborate, please do.

Thanks, TJ

PM Answer:

“I’ve resolved the collision problem. I’ve removed all the meshes form level 1 to persistent level and then I’ve set them back.”