I have a small test project that I’m trying things out in, and hit a wall trying to package the game.
“Madness” is the main project module and it can’t be found by a C++ built project that compiles, loads, plays in Standalone, and packages for Windows shipping (and development) without errors.
The only error is a Message dialog on running the bootstrap .exe or the binary .exe: "
I’m so confused.
There’s a lot of similar error responses on google, but the situation seems to never really be solved until someone just declares it works.
The project I have is tiny (just a widget), and almost all the plugins shipping with the editor have been disabled (like Datasmith and Android and Chaos and so on); the C++ in the project is a function library and the solution was rebuilt from scratch in VS 2022 (after 2019 started).
I do get a packaging warning for a BP function library node I added to copy or paste the clipboard.
[2023.04.28-20.44.29:843][574]UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogLinker: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Users\ipad4\Documents\UE5Projects\Madness\Content\Madness\BP\clipboardcopy.uasset: VerifyImport: Failed to find script package for import object 'Package /Script/InterchangeFactoryNodes'
[2023.04.28-20.44.29:848][575]PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Users\ipad4\Documents\UE5Projects\Madness\Content\Madness\BP\clipboardcopy.uasset: VerifyImport: Failed to find script package for import object 'Package /Script/InterchangeFactoryNodes'
[2023.04.28-20.44.29:854][575]UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogLinker: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Users\ipad4\Documents\UE5Projects\Madness\Content\Madness\BP\clipboardcopy.uasset: VerifyImport: Failed to find script package for import object 'Package /Script/InterchangePipelines'
[2023.04.28-20.44.29:855][576]PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Users\ipad4\Documents\UE5Projects\Madness\Content\Madness\BP\clipboardcopy.uasset: VerifyImport: Failed to find script package for import object 'Package /Script/InterchangePipelines'
If I enable Datasmith (just following some web suggestions about Interchange package being handled by Datasmith plugin), then I get an Packaging fail on trying to bundle in a non-distributing editor module to do with SkeletalMeshGeometry that can’t be included in packaged builds. I suspect Datasmith has nothing to do with the Interchange stuff the clipboard copy function cares about.
The function works in gameplay; and the shipping build packages. It just won’t play the final .exe as the picture attached shows.
Any insights appreciated!