You the dude of himeko sutori how did you do it?
Hi Neongho. I’m not sure which part of my game you’re referring to. I have a lot of 2D content in my game and a lot of it is shown in 3D space, but not all of it is Flash.
The characters are a square mesh with a masked material.
In-combat dialog, damage numbers, and the health bar are Flash, but they’re drawn directly to the screen. I make the Flash movies draw to a RenderTexture and then draw it in my HUD’s PostRender with PlayerHUD.Canvas.DrawTexture(RenderTexture).
If I have a 3D game-world object and I want the 2D screen coordinates (for example, to draw a dialog box over it), I use Project(). And if I have 2D screen coordinates and I want to get the 3D game-world location of it (for example, moving the mouse over an object and clicking on it), I use Deproject().…d%20_DeProject
I hope that helps you. Let me know if there was something else you were wondering about.
So you cannot start a flash widget as a component, **** i was so wrong well thanks
If you want a component attached to something in the game, make it a particle system component. Make that particle system use a material that you can access at runtime. Give the material a texture parameter. Make your Flash movie render to a texture. Set the material’s texture parameter to the render texture. Now you should see the thing in your game world with a particle system component attached to it, with the particle system showing whatever is in the Flash movie.