The Legend of the Skull Castle

HD full video cinematics version here: (The Legend of the Skull Castle - YouTube)

Storyline: 500 years after, another mortal is set to discover and to continue the Legend …
My Personal Interpretation Fan Art of the Iconic Castle Grayskull, Inspired by different He-Man Cartoon series and various fan arts.

Created in Unreal Engine using megascans, metahuman, tiger from sketchfab’s nyilonelycompany, Zbrush and Maya. All realtime renders from UE. #UE5 #Unrealengine #realtime #rtx3090 #He-Man #Fanart #Maya #nvidia #megascans #Zbrush #MastersoftheUniverse


This project got my inner nerd way too excited. Do you plan on creating similar environments or was this a single endeavor?


Hi there @PresumptivePanda , Thanks Glad you like it! Yeah the idea is to make a series of similar ones and hopefully I can squeeze more time. Creating that cinematic movie was so much fun and bringing to life the childhood memories !


cool project


Thanks @anonymous_user_5597e941

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Ill definitely check in every now and then to see more from you. Can’t wait!

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Thanks! Working now on the part 2 of my short also in UE5. ( the first part being on UE l5 early access )

Just love it. great :+1:

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Thank you @DipjoyRouth

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This absolutly looks great, the first i was thinking looking at the pictures was “He-Man” theme how cool is that. Before i was watching the video or even reading.
And there you go … so i think you catched what you wanted to archive with this perfect.
I wonder if others feelt the same way as they have seen this skull.

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Thank you @Thorsten09 , you got exactly what I wanted to relay.

Looks great!

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Thanks @GamingGioski !

amazing :grinning:

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Thank you @jjjdesob

Well done!

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Jesus Christ, This is amazing! how long did it take you to create the enviroment?

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太棒了 太帅了

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Hello @JeffMD , i’m new to unreal world, started using from past 1 week… it’s really amazing what you’ve done… just love it… how long did you take to do this??

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@anonymous_user_37b307cd1 just 2 day to do this , thanks !