When the landscape only game runs on iPhone with iOS10 and when the device wakes up the game switches into portrait mode for a moment.
Repro steps:
Create any project, for example First Person Shooter Template.
In Project Settings - IOS check Supports Landscape Left Orientation and Supports Landscape Right Orientation only.
Build and run the game on any iPhone with iOS10.
While the game is running click power button to put device into sleep.
Wake up device and unlock screen.
Observed behavior:
The game switches into portrait mode for a moment.
Expected behavior: The game that is landscape only should never switch into portrait mode.
The issue appears only on iPhone devices (no iPad) with iOS10 (iOS8 and iOS9 doesn’t have this issue).
It was tested on iPhone5s, iPhone6, iPhone6Plus.
The issue does not appear on portrait only games.
When waking up the device the UIDeviceOrientation switches into the UIDeviceOrientationPortrait for a moment while UIInterfaceOrientation remains the same (UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft or UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight).
Unfortunately, I have not been able to reproduce this on my end. I tried with an iphone 5S on iOS10, and when I ran the program on the phone it went directly to landscape mode. pressing the power button and waking up the device did not seem to have any effect. Do you have any additional steps I can take to reproduce this on my end?
So… the game was built on 4.13.2 from Launcher. I’ve created a Third Person Template with blueprints only, no starter content, for mobile, scalable 2D/3D. I’ve set minimum OS version to IOS_8. I’ve built the game using Unreal Frontend. Here is a movie with the result on iPhone 5S iOS 10.0.2.
Thank you for submitting a bug report. I have reproduced this issue and logged a report for it here. You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff.
Any chance there can be eyes on this now? We are working with a client where they’ve identified this issue and 4.15 would be rather late to get a fix in for this.
I have added an internal note that additional developers are experiencing this error. The best thing to do is login to the issues tracker and place a vote on the bug report so that the developers can see there is more interest in this particular bug. This does not guarantee that it will be addressed faster but it does help us to see where the majority of developers are experiencing errors.
It would be nice if there is a commit or any ideas how to resolve the issue. I was trying to fix it by myself, but I’m afraid I don’t have enough knowledge about the renderer here…
Once a fix has been implemented, a commit will be shown on the bug tracker if you would like to implement the fix before the fixes engine version. To do so you will need a source build.