The Landscape Doesn’t have collision and I can’t fix it

By default landscapes are set to block all, this may be an issue with the players collision, I’ve had an issue like this before if I remember correctly it was the skeletal meshes local position in relation to the capsule component

Greetings @doctorpepperdan

As RO mentioned, landscapes have block collision automatically. I’d check your characters/objects.

Sorry @Frostyjas but could you explain how I could check that maybe because I’ve been trying to find out for a while, but can’t seem to figure it out

by the looks of it you did not set the Collison of the landscape to set collision for complex collision for simple collision. Find that fix it and you should be good.

In the editor, select the landscape, go to the details tab>collision, here you can view and edit the collision settings. By default landscapes are set to world static channels and to “block all”. I Wouldnt recommend modifying this unless you have some unique need to. Also go to you characters class BP, select the collision primitive, by default a capsule unless youve modified it. Then go to the details tab>collision. Ensure the capsule is blocking visibility and world static to block landscapes. Posting screens of my settings as well as the mesh in relation to the capsule position for reference. You want the feet of your mesh to be at the same relative height as the bottom of capsule.

I was late to the reply. But, what ROFL posted is spot on!

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