The issue of a sliding vehicle on a dynamic surface

Hi! Is this a bug or is there a solution in the engine settings?

UE 4.27.2
Create a Vehicle or Vehicle Advanced template. Use a pre-made or create a sloped surface.

Add a delay of a few seconds to BeginPlay and call VehicleMovement->SetHandbrakeInput(True). Add GetVelocity value string print to Tick.
If the surface is static, the vehicle stops completely.

Reproduce the error:
But if you set surface it to Movable, there is a barely noticeable sliding.

I found a similar topic " Mysterious sliding vehicle phenomenon ", but still no solution.

Have you tried increasing friction of the surface’s physical material?

Yes, I spent several days on multiple attempts. Physics, materials, vehicle settings, wheel settings, project physics settings, and more. The only difference I found was the Static and Movable surfaces.

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This bug is also present in the VehicleGame buggy project.