I am well aware that this question must have been asked but I would need a little more recent answers.
Is there a device or something else that would allow you to manage the inventory?
To find out whether or not you have a certain item?
An event when we “drag & drop” an item out of the inventory?
For your first question you can use the “Item Granter” and “Item Remover” to add and remove weapons/items from their inventory
For your second question you can use the “Conditional Button Device” don’t let the word “button” fool you it can be used with signals to check if a player has a specific amount of items.
For the third question unfortunately it is not possible to do anything of that sorts
thank you for your answer and I already use all these devices
But in my case I need total control of the inventory. Especially regarding what the player owns or not and the drag & drop of items could give me a lot of complications
If you want them to not drop Items by dragging and dropping them out you can disable that function in the Team Settings & Inventory, Class Designer or IslandSettings with the “Allow Item Drop” setting