The interface is not working

I’m trying to transfer an array of container inventory to the widget, but this method doesn’t work.

I take the link via Trace and Event Tick

The array is not passed and the event itself is also not triggered :frowning:

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If you’re not getting 1111, then it’s because the reference you’re using to make the interface call is not valid. With interfaces, you don’t get ‘none’ errors.

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The link in the interface is not empty, but there is also no interaction with the widget.

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(post deleted by author)

Try an is_valid on the variable before you call the interface on it?

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I’m so stupid that I was trying to find a connection with the wrong blueprints. the link actually turned out to be invalid because I was trying to find a link not to the widget, but to the actor in which this widget construction

I hope this helps someone, the following lines are for those who are also looking for a solution, the interface should receive a link to the blueprints in which you need to apply the logic that you want

Thank you for your help, you pushed me to solve the problem.

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