Hi there, I cant seem to get UE4 installed AT ALL. When I open the MSI installer I get the error
"The installer has insufficient privileges to access this directory: C:\ProgramData\Epic\EpicGamesLauncher. "
I am the admin on my pc, what’s going on? Never had a problem like this before. The installer also says it is from another computer and needs unblocked if I right click>properties. (I have unblocked and taken full ownership of the msi file).
This is driving me nuts, I need to get started on a project.
Run installer as administrator (not your user account but hidden administrator account, even if you got admin account there still some files locked for security reasons under that account), to run application as administrator, right click exe and click “Run as administrator”. Your situation is kind of odd since usally installer as for admin rights, maybe you got some security software that interferes or director permissions are messed up on your system. You can also check system logs for hints, you can find them in computer managment (right click “Computer” and them click “Manage”)