The Horse Starter Kit v3.0

Big Update for the Horse Starter Kit in version 3.0. The Kit is now compatible with the UE5 Manny and Quinn skeletons, in addition to the UE4 Mannequin. No more Level Blueprint- All mounting and riding logic is now on the Character Blueprints. Implementing the kit in your custom levels should be a snap now in version 3.0. The Animations have all been cleaned up and updated to 60fps. Groom hair has been added to the Horses as well.
The entire system has been updated (the update is now live) for use in Unreal 5.1 and up. It is now relatively drag and drop easy to add Horses to your custom worlds. Take a look at the Horse Starter Kit Setup PDF for getting started with The Horse Starter Kit v3.0 today.


There is not any Horse base bp only deer base bp in the project so that is missing. What should I do to get that horse bp back?

your question is confusing me, there isn’t anything related to a deer in the Horse Starter Kit. Please clarify what it is you are asking.