If I run the Windows Version on the Mac Twinmotion is doing what it should.
Hello ,
Thank you for posting in the community and sorry to hear about the troubles. I would need further information and examples of what is not working so I can better respond if this is normal or if there is a bug somewhere. Would you be able to send screen-shots of the behavior and the specs of the computers you are using/comparing.
I recommend you check your hardware against the system requirements then confirm you are on the highest quality settings in the Viewport when comparing both OS. You can go to the Preferences > Quality menu to adjust.
If the system is too weak it will set the quality setting to what it can handle when the setting is on Auto otherwise you can pick a default quality or customize it. Keep in mind increasing the quality could affect performance if the hardware is not sufficient enough.
Twinmotion System Requirements:
Hope this helps and let us know if you can send those screen-shots of the problem.
Kind regards,
Vincent B.
Hi Vincent.
Yes, I will send you some screenshots as soon as I can.
I'm not just talking about the Viewport quality, there is also a difference in the rendered pictures. Does the Viewport setting influence the rendering result??? ( I think it should not).
And like I said the windows version is running on an 11-year-old mac with Bootcamp and still looks better than on the new Mac mini M1.
The first pictures are from the mac version. As you can see no color reflections.......Viewport and renderings.....
I only can attach one picture???
Hello ,
Thank you for the follow-up and providing the screen-shots and details. It does seem like a bug and will document this for our team to investigate. Does the exported images on that same Mac also render without the GI or it just in the viewport?
Unfortunately that Mac Mini machine does not meet the hardware system requirements so that could be the reason you are experiencing this, at this time Monterey is not fully compatible but we are working on this. https://twinmotionhelp.epicgames.com/s/article/TwinMotion-System-Requirements
If you find any other strange behavior/bugs please report it by using this link:
Kind regards,
Vincent B.
They also render without the GI. But it's not just the mac mini. It's the same on MacBook Pro. I'm pretty surprised that other mac users did not recognize this issue??
What I do not unterstand is the hardware issue. When I work on the mac mini everything is very fluent. It's only the GI and the renders which are not good.
Kind regards.
yes, the Macbook pro is also running on Monterey!
Hello ,
Thank you for the reply and follow-up, could you confirm the other computers you are finding this problem with are using the Monterey OS or was it a different OS on those devices? Glad to hear everything else is working well for you on the Mac Mini.
Kind regards,
Vincent B.